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Recommended Items for Your New Rabbit

Here is a list of Items we Use in the warren and recommend you pickup for your new bunny family member. Above gallery has examples of items we use.


Please note we are not sponsered or re-imbursed. These reccomendation of products are from our own opinions and experiences.

  • X-pen - Rabbit cages sold at Pet Stores are far too small for a rabbit to live in, and they are over-priced. X-pens are far more affordable and offer much more room and they are easy to move. Place all your rabbits necessities inside their pen, especially their litter box and food/water. If your flooring is carpet and you are afraid of accidents or spilled water bowls, foam mats can be placed down under the x-pen.

  • Foam mats or Pee Pads - These are both great options for potty accidents or spilled water bowl accidents 

  • Large High Back Litter Box, rabbits need a much larger litter box than the small corner litter boxes sold at pet stores and these are usually cheaper. Rabbits also pee a little different than most pets and a high back will help with accidental over spray.

  • Water & Food Bowls - NEVER Water Bottles! These will dehydrate your rabbit quickly and can lead to death. 

  • Chew Toys - Lots and lots of chew toys! Rabbits love to chew, throw and carry things! Cat jingle balls, wicker balls, wooden chew toys and even cardboard are perfect toys for your rabbit

Rabbit Essentials : Welcome
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